Just LOVE To Add My Opinion On Subjects! :-)

This is a wonderful place for me to share the InSaNiTy of everyday life, and trying somehow to make sense of it all!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Is There An End In Sight?

First, let me start of by saying I will be very happy when this election is over! Put aside the MANY phone calls I've been receiving on donating and such. Put aside the RELENTLESS negative adds you are subjected to on TV. Put aside the political arguments I mean discussions that sometimes turn ugly on face book. Now it's come down to some "Ignoramus" stealing my Obama sign in my front yard! I am to say the least "Extremely Pissed Off"........................
I definitely live in a state that can be considered RepublicanVille! To welcome you when you enter Indiana is a GIANT CROSS. Just as if you were entering HEAVEN itself! A welcome sign might have been sufficient, but not here. People around these parts LOVE to hear my accent, but most likely would pass out if they heard my views on certain issues. I am pro-CHOICE! Key word being "choice" !!! I do NOT believe God chooses life, I believe your body decides whether to get pregnant. I wasn't able to have children on my own. I needed help from an infertility specialist. Did God feel I wasn't Worthy of becoming pregnant, or the "Thousands" of other women who cannot conceive? EVERY WOMAN, and unfortunately young girls, rape victims should ALWAYS have the CHOICE whether they want to create life, OR NOT!!! Yes that's right I said to create life because it DOES NOT begin at the moment of conception. It is an embryo that can become a fetus. I do NOT thank God for my children, I thank my "infertility specialist" everyday for helping my body to procreate!

I believe in Equality for all! I want my children NOT to grow up hating others because they may be different from them. I want them to understand no matter what color your skin is, or because you love someone of the same sex, everyone deserves the same rights!
Then, there's another favorite subject of mine- Gun Control.......
It brings me back to All In The Family! Loving the views of 1 Archie Bunker! If he doesn't show how ridiculous the idea "everyone should own one" can be, then nothing I say would ever sway an opinion! ;)
I am extremely tired of defending what seems to be common sense to me, but not to some others.....
Yes! I see an end in sight!
Now to my next issue- Surgery for the 7th time on the SAME problem.

I just happened to have found someone who SEEMS to understand what they are doing! I am tired of "putting a ban aid" over a spot just to end up back at square one months later. This surgeon is attacking the problem as a whole. Unfortunately, I am prone to getting hernias, but I am hopeful I will NOT be back in a year with the same issues. On the other hand if this does not work I may have to reconsider the whole "gun control" issue, and just start shooting doctors at random out of pure frustration! To say the least my kids aren't so keen on the idea of having to pick up slack around the house for what I won't be able to do. They're finding my stomach problems as an inconvenience to their regularly scheduled program!

Will I be thrilled when this is over? YES, and if you listen closely you can hear my kids agreeing!
With the many problems my stomach has created, getting exercise happens to be one of the "lacking" obligations I have to myself. Halloween passing leaving this GOD AWFUL DELICIOUS YUMMY candy has only added to my weight issue! Previously loosing 15lbs I probably have gained 10lbs back! ;(  I can honestly say food is not an issue for me. Chocolate happens to be my worst enemy. If you could chew drugs, and they would taste like chocolate, I would have to be in detox for the rest of my life! It's Evil......
Do I need to get my dairy-air back into shape? You better believe it! We need an end to this madness....
With ALL my many issues I would love to see come to an end, there is one battle I will always continue to fight- my hair pulling! The never ending fight of the urge to pull due to stress, or whatever happens to bring the mood on? I've had my sticky fingers at it again! Not only the lashes, but my head as well. What can I say, I enjoy a challenge! ;)  Never enough on my plate, but worries over things I have No Control over could be the trigger....................
Will I cry when this year comes to an end? I'm thinking........................NO!

My thought for this day:
Life will hand you and bunch of lemons sometimes. You can sit and pout about it like most of us do ( including myself as #1 )! It's good to cry sometimes to get your feeling out. OR, you can take those lemons and stick them in your bra! Couldn't Hurt, Might Help! ;) What did you think I was going to say "make lemonade", how lame..................
No matter what the problems are in your life, always remember this too shall pass! I wish an end in sight for you! <3
Dedicated to my friends who have lost on the East Coast XO

Casey ;(


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